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Open-Source AI x Crypto Systems

The assertion that cryptocurrency and crypto technology can address certain limitations of open-source AI revolves around three main areas:

Workflow, Model & Dataset Evaluations:

  1. Evaluating models, workflows, and datasets in open-source AI is not always standardized or rigorous. Blockchain technology can introduce a system of economically incentivised validators to accurately rate and evaluate these resources.
  2. Validators, staking their tokens or reputation, would be accountable for their evaluations, ensuring a more sophisticated, dynamic and reliable assessment process. This could lead to a more trusted and efficient marketplace for discovery & usage AI models and datasets, where quality and performance are transparently verified.

Transparency and Trust in Infrastructure:

  1. Developers of AI applications require full visibility and trust in the underlying infrastructure of the software development kits (SDKs) they use. Crypto proofs, leveraging blockchain's immutable ledger, can provide verifiable records of the models used, datasets searched, and compute resources expended.
  2. This level of transparency ensures that developers can trust the processes 'under-the-hood' and verify that the AI outputs are generated in a reliable and expected manner. Blockchain's inherent auditability can thus foster trust among end users.
  3. There are various approaches towards verifiable inference today - ZKML, Optimistic ML, etc & a hybrid approach with 'Proof-of-stake' style slashing.

Incentivisation of Open-Source Contributions:

  1. The demand for open-source resources is directly linked to the quality of supply, often maintained by a community of contributors. Crypto-economic incentives, such as token rewards, can be used to bootstrap, sustain and improve this supply at scale.
  2. Contributors to the open-source AI network—developers, data scientists, or even users who provide valuable feedback—can be rewarded with tokens with real-world value. This system would encourage ongoing participation and investment in the open-source ecosystem, ensuring its vitality and growth.